
Nu știu de unde îi vine capacitatea deosebită de conectare, talentul de a disloca blând rezistențe demult calcifiate, dar prima oară în viața mea nici nu mă interesează. Doar mulțumesc. Venisem cu deschidere, dar și cu mult scepticism la întâlniri, iar uneori m-am străduit prea mult. Dar Roxana a empatizat cu mine, nu cu fluctuațiile mele. M-a făcut să (mă) ascult, să revin, să rămân prezentă. Curajul de a fi tu, indiferent cât e de mare, sau, aș zice chiar, cu cât e mai mare, are (mai) multă nevoie de încurajare. Acum știu cât de important este să cauți încurajarea, să nu abandonezi căutarea asta, pentru că ea e parte din călătorie. Și simți atât de clar de fiecare dată când o găsești, pentru că se simte bine, se simte adecvată (dimensiunii) căutării tale. Asta a fost coachingul cu Roxana pentru mine. O încurajare credibilă, veritabilă. Încă îmi e frică să îmi fie frică de necunoscut, dar am mai puține pretexte credibile să dau înapoi acum.


Roxana is a very-easy-to-talk with person. From the first session I felt in safe environment which is really important for the meaningful and constructive discussions we had. She helped me clarify the "why" behind many aspects I was interested in. With her thoughtful listening and powerful questions Roxana is the type of person which stays connected with you along the journey, making it look like a simple process. For all of this, I would like to thank her!

Gabriel Spinu

'What should I do?', 'What do I like?', 'What I am best at?' - are all questions that made me to take some sessions with Roxana. She helped me figure-out some basics insights that I never knew about myself and I am very grateful for that. The communication with her was really nice and she adapted to my 'analytical' thinking. She told me I will see some results in just 6 sessions - of course I was skeptical :) - but of course, she was right :). I really appreciate all her help and her proven professionalism. Totally recommend her!


Felul atent si constructiv, empatic si organizat al Roxanei surprinde mereu esenta si simt sa revin in sesiunile de coaching. De fiecare data, Roxana se asigura ca eu plec clarificata privind situatiile discutate. Ma simt atat de bogata in interior dupa 60 de minute cu ea, de parca am fost o saptamana intr-un retreat! Am evoluat mult, o simt, o vad practic in viata mea. Iti multumesc si apreciez tare mult energia pe care o aduci in timpul sesiunilor de coaching! See you soon, Roxana!


I was at the start of a career pivot when I met Roxana. There were a lot of moments of self-doubt and apprehension as I was contemplating my next move. Over the course of many months, Roxana’s coaching helped me gain clarity and confidence in myself and the choices I was making. She provided me with the space I needed. Through her observations she was able to pinpoint the beliefs that were holding me back and even after I identified the actions to move forward, she supported me through accountability checkpoints in between sessions. Thank you Roxana for all your support and your belief in me!

Olga Valadon

I’ve experienced breakthrough and success through my coaching sessions with Roxana. Her combination of direct and creativity style brought out the best in me. I am truly grateful for the new perspective of life I now live with.

Ian Hanavan

Roxana creates a fully trustworthy space for the client. Her coaching style invited me to be able to speak openly and work along with her during the session to come up together to a conclusion and a plan that fits to my experience and my personality. Roxana has a very direct but compasionate style that helped me to see things in a different perspective. She also brings a lot of lightness to the discussion which makes the coaching session very relaxed and enjoyable.


As I was grappling with online learning for my two kids (along with everything else), I was turning into an anxious and short-tempered parent. This in turn depressed me more because I share a beautiful relationship with my children and I was scared of ruining it. It was at that moment that I reached out to Roxana. She didn't just help me navigate through this difficult phase but I also empowered me as a parent. I felt so confident after a couple of sessions that her coaching became a turning point in my life. I just can't thank her enough for being such a wonderful coach.

Mariam Jafri

Roxana has played a pivotal role in successfully riding the waves of this very tumultuous year. Her direct yet personable style when coaching has allowed me to see things from a different perspective and with greater clarity. She has made me feel empowered to take action over matters that I kept avoiding and delaying. As result, she has boosted my self-confidence and I feel more in control over my life than ever before.


Roxana ma ajuta sa imi depasesc limitele si sa trec mai usor peste obstacolele intalnite. Sedintele de coaching ma intaresc psihic si ma ajuta sa vad lucrurile dintr o alta perspectiva


intuity coach
My role as a certified Coach is to help you increase your confidence, both professionally and personally, by identifying possible blockages, gaining clarity, aligning your goals with your values, thus discovering your desired potential. I use a psychological approach that helps you develop self-understanding, pinpoint and tackle psychological blocks to change.


Book a free discovery call


+40 723 652 817